Shipping Rules and Information:
Domestic Shipping has two options; Priority Mail 2-3 Day & Priority Express Mail 1-2 Day. We always use whichever the fastest Provider is going to be (at the time). Our courier service will notify us of what Providers have the least traffic on their registrar at moment of drop-off, so we can use the service with the least expected delays. We use USPS, DHL, FEDEX, & UPS routinely. On days when UPS is backed up with a ton of orders; we’ll elect to ship to use FEDEX or DHL instead. The same courier service provides shipping services to any one of these four choices all at the same drop off location.
Certain States in the U.S. will have restrictions on some of the products available on our Websites Menu. And, in the event of a restriction or ban that’s been placed on a certain chemical; we will then NOT ship to the State in question.
If your order is ever seized or some other trouble arises beyond yours and Our control, we can provide a 1 x FREE RE-SHIPMENT in certain cases! You will have to launch a ticket in order to receive a free reship. We will investigate the matter further, and, upon making our decision, so long as you are not the party at fault in the case at hand, then you will qualify.
International shipping is either the receipt from or a delivery to Us to you that’s origination is from one of our 5 warehouse locations Overseas. They are shipped from one of these locations to us in the United States. Or, in some cases when you are ordering from another country it’s either Us who send it to you wherever in the world you’re located di-rect. Or, from one of the international shipping warehouses to you. There is no fixed rate to international shipping. Whenever you receive an order that originates from Bombay, India (for example) you are only subject to the drop shipping fee from Us which is a domestic rate.v
Half of our Menu are products that originate from Overseas. We are the drop shipping partners for affiliates based in these following locations;
Bombay, India.
Central Singapore, Singapore.
Hong Kong, Special Administrative Región, China.
Jakarta, Indonesia.
Madrid, Spain.
We have packages originating from India get to Us the quickest. Approximately 1 week is the average wait on orders that begin from Bombay, India. 2nd to that, are Central Singapore, Singapore; and Jakarta, Indonesia, which are both tied for second place in terms of an overall wait. The longest we have thus far waited for an order that came from one of these two places originally; has been 10 full days. To expedite the shipping process for orders that came from Overseas, once we’re in possession of the items we’ll ship them out using Priority Express Mail. Priority Express Shipping is an Overnight Delivery method. This will assure you get your package within 1-2 days after it’s passed customs. Madrid, Spain & Hong Kong, SAR, China, are the hardest to gauge in terms of expected wait times.
They swap places on the 4th and 5th longest time of a waiting period constantly. Half of the time orders inbound from Spain arrive before the ones from Hong Kong, and the other half the time it’s the other way around. Basically, we have yet to wait any longer than 18 days from whence it’s shipped to get to us and then an additional 2 days after that before you will see it on your doorstep. But, that’s just the worst case scenario. As a rule of thumb, the typical wait time on average has been no longer than 14 days from the time the order was placed.
The best case scenario from either the Hong Kong or Spain warehouse locations is 10-12 days respectively. When you have placed an order for more than one item and one of the items in your order comes from Our own inventory and the other(s) come from either one of these Overseas locations; you will usually receive more than one tracking number and two or more packages in the mail.